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       What we need is a kind of spiritLooking forward to a rosy future and a wonderful campuslife, you come to Jiangsu University of social science.However, when passion is calm and beautifulexpectations return to reality, you suddenly discover that it is not the school you imagined which is as beautiful as a palace.
       We admit that there are some disparities of material conditions between our university and state-run universities to which the government puts huge funds. But we firmly believe that spirit is more important than material. Still remember the University of Anti-Japanese cultivated so many excellent graduates for our country in such tough environment? Certainly, we won’t rest on current circumstance. We will spare no effect to improve the teaching quality and strength the management of living to make up our limitation on material conditions. In a money-worship era, relatively tough condition can cultivate people the spirit of hard working and diligence which will help us stand out in life. However this kind of spirit comes from various baptisms in life, study and work. So, we ask our dear students sincerely : are you ready to be a diligent and enterprising student ?

       What we need is a kind of spirit. The spirit of hard working and diligence is not only the essential quality of personal development, but also the demand of times. That‘s why we have been constantly trying our best to inject this kind of spirit into our students.


       党中央明确提出民办教育是社会主义教育事业中的重要组成部分,对包括我们这样的中国民办高校而言,未来任重道远;环顾现代化的进程,世界范围内的私立高等教育的蓬勃发展呈现强势劲头,美国的私立哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福、麻省理工学院等都已成为世界性的一流大学。 我们有理由相信:作为一个民办高校,我们的明天一定会更加美好。
       This is an university The aim of school administration: cultivate good graduates who meet the requirements of the development of advanced productivity; arm students with healthy value , advanced culture and scientific knowledge; be responsible for the interests of students and their parents.

      The aim of cultivation: students will not only obtain the diploma, but also command several technical abilities and are acknowledged by the society. Furthermore, students will grow morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically so that they can meet the requirements of employers from both home and aboard. We watch out for the need of the market. And through years’ hardworking, we form distinctive teaching methodology which make our school a vigorous university. We value the education of morality. We take great effect to strength students’ comprehensive abilities, especially technical abilities. We lay a strong emphasis on cultivating students the abilities of self-study and good habits of study. We impart practical skills to students; offer various lectures which are closely related with curriculums. Besides, we teach students the operation of business affairs with vivid cases.


      The central government point out that private education is an important part of education cause of socialism. Look around the world, private higher education develop rapidly. In United States, private universities, such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are top-ranking universities in the world. In China, the development of private universities is still in primary stage. But we have every reason to believe that private universities will have a promising future.

      拿到一张专业文凭        掌握二门实用技能
      具备三项基本素质        成为四化通用人才
       This is a business enterprise We firmly believe that: we are part of market economy. Therefore we combine commercial operation with scholastic management and participate in market economy in an all round way with our fire-new value, faith and guild line of behavior. And we make people the center and regard the cultivation of students as our products.


       Our long time experience of running private university proves that after students get the diploma and enter to society, they will still fail in the fierce competition if they are short of necessary technical abilities in work. Therefore, we realize we can't turn a blind eye to the need of market or continue to make products which are unacceptable in the market. We should head for the market bravely and cultivate qualified labors with good ability on operation. According to above consideration, we divide the curriculum into 3 parts, namely compulsory course, optional course and technical course. 

         These courses are intended for extending students ' scope of knowledge and displaying the latest progress of specialties, so that our students can have more choices and will be more competitive in job market. Our requirements toward students: Obtain a professional diploma ; Command two practical technical skills; Possess three basic characters; Be a versatile talented person for the construction of fourmodernizations

       This is a troops The embodiment of quality education is advancing gradually in due order to make steady progress and put the knowledge into application. We emphasize most basal behavior norms, the organizational discipline, team spirit, etc. The first class that students have is strict military training. Moreover we manage students’ living and studying in the way of quasi- militarization management in order to inject military bearing, such as perseverance and notion of collectivity into our students.

        In a age filled with temptation and utilitarianism, we, like idealists, unhesitatingly express our emphasize and respect toward spirit. If we say the character is the foundation of existence and development, then ideal is the motivity of life. That’s why we constantly emphasize quasi- militarization management and cultivate our students characters and bearings of army men. In a word: our purpose is not just teaching students how to make money and make a living, but foster pillars of the state which will make contribution to our nation and the mankind.
        My fellow students, let us face life bravely
        我们会以高度的工作责任心和满腔的爱校爱生的热情使广大学生不虚度几年的学习生涯。爱岗敬业  爱校如家   爱心育人   爱生如子
        This is a family. We require faculty to love every student and foster students in a strict way. Meanwhile we also lay a strong emphasis on teaching students how to be an upright person; how to have a harmonious relationship with others and promoting understanding and friendship between students and faculties. We try our best to make each student taste of the warmth of family.We believe that the primary purpose of education is teaching students how to be a qualified human being.


        Therefore, we select a passel of full-time teachers with abundant experience in student management to manage students’ living and study. And we take great effects to cultivate students’ social morality and good life habits. We feel strongly that the people that our society need must possess ability as well as virtue. And virtue is more important. Only people with both ability and virtue can make our society develop in a sustainable way. The head teachers are responsible for the management of students, they teach by personal example as well as verbal instruction; they are students’ hard fathers as well as tender mothers; they treat every student equally with all their love; they care about every need of students and are willing to help students at any time; and they do everything they can to make sure that parents feel secure about their sons and daughters.

        We will make students have a meaningful and beneficial campus life through our enthusiasm and hard working.  Our slogan is we love our job and school as we love our family; we love students as we our sons and daughters.            

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